4 decades of experience serving dairy farmers
To access the best service for the maintenance or replacement of your SIREM products for milk cooling tanks, we invite you to contact the manufacturers of your original tank.
Otherwise we advise you to contact our specialized and certified partners : “SIREM Certified Partner”.
“SIREM Certified Partner” provide : reliability, technical assistance, quick availability of the original parts identical to the first assembly, without adaptation.
See how our partners become “Certified Partner” hereafter or contact us.

A quality and reliability label
The « Certified Partner » charter
You will find below the main rules defined by SIREM to certify its distributors « Certified Partner ».
This label is a guarantee of quality and reliability that achieves 40 years of experience serving dairy farmers. Thanks to you, over 500 000 dairy farms throughout the world are fitted with milk cooling tanks of a capacity from 150 to 30 000 litres with SIREM gear motors and pumps.
With this label you can be sure that the spare parts, the replacement products are certified identical to the originals.

Transparency, availability and support
You undertake to offer or promote only original SIREM products in spare parts or in replacement of our gear motors or pumps. The information you deliver on the product origin are clear and consistent in all your documentations (on your website, your catalogues, your offers, orders etc…).
You undertake to deliver 90% of you orders in 24 up to 48 hours on you market area. You undertake to replace or suply spare parts for every SIREM product, regardless of how old it is.
Technical support
You advise your customers on the right product choice.
Market area and tariff offer
Market area
A geographical area (country) will be dedicated to you and you will not enter other areas (countries) without prior information to SIREM (non authorized countries). In these dedicated geographical areas, you company will appear as the SOLE « Certified partner SIREM » on our website and we will forward to you every customer request from this area (unless it is identified as an OEM request).
Tariff offer
You will apply a fair tariff policy according to the distribution structure up to the final user. You undertake to not publicly communicate the prices on the web and you will ask your customers to do the same.
Annual review
Annual review
We undertake to review this « Certified Partner » label each year, to assess our joint partnership performance on : the service level, the sales volume in the dedicated geographical areas and the compliance with the « Certified partner » label rules.