Our company,
A history that dates back to 1928
From its beginnings in the manufacture of TSF (wireless telegraphy) radio sets, to the extension of the offer, and to the design of specific motorized products.
Created in Lyon in 1928 by a Russian immigrant, Anatole Bermante, who had a passion for TSF radio sets.
He first opened a TSF radio manufacturing and repair workshop, which he expanded by moving into the suburbs of Lyon in 1936.
From 1937 to 1946, the company grew around 2 main activities:
- the radio business
- the mechanical subcontracting business
From then onwards, SIREM increased its offer with small motors for domestic appliances, mobile washing machines, ironing machines (Repassex) and food processors (Combinex) – well before Moulinex!
Its first customer was MANUFRANCE, which distributed SIREM products via mail order.
Over the following years, SIREM was able to continue to innovate in new markets.

From 1995 to present day
Development of solutions and specific systems, deployment of new motorized applications.
Today, SIREM is a high-performance, innovative company that enables you to implement your motorization solutions in demanding environments. Throughout the process, from the design to the manufacture, SIREM listens to you and takes care that the expected volumes and performances are achieved to ensure your projects’ profitability.